Sunday, November 21, 2010

First short track competition

Well I just finished my first competition and I was a good master Old Lady. My Daughter took some video of it and I am horrified. I am slow and scared looking out on that ice. This has to stop I have to stop skating scared and whining about how I don't understand what I am doing. Because that's exactly what I have produced!!!
If I want change then i must attack change square in the face! The only way to make that happen is to pick it up go faster and get out of the way of progress. In other words, get my ass moving! FAST!
I have all my family believing in this that I can do this and I can't believe how bad I look doing it!
So back to the drawing board of reality!
These steps need to be recorded for me to see feel and hear. No more hiding behind being unsure and thinking I am any good at this. Because the truth of the matter is I am soooo bad and slow compared to the place I want to be. That place that I want to be is very far from my reach right now. But that is all changing in the typing of this ...
Things are changing this minute. Thanks for the wake up call God!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The more I learn the less I know

Learning is humbling! I really have to let go of any pride I might have on knowledge of skating to learn the technique of this sport. My body is struggling to let go of years of training it to go in one position to go into these new positions I am learning. I am so tired from this inner (and outer) tug of war. I am wondering when the new will take over the old. Letting go of learned "stuff" is hard in life as well as sport. Out with the old and in with the new is easier said then done.
My body hurts in places that I never knew could hurt. Skating has never been so difficult to do. I feel like I have never been on the ice before. But my brain knows what speed feels like and going painfully slow is killing me.
But the cool part is the pull inside of me that can't wait to get back on the ice again and start all over again.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Survived

So cool to say I survived! I didn't feel 46 at all. I just felt like a out of shape athlete. The technique for speed skating is so precise I am in awe of the mechanics to create a perfect stride. Not one time did I push with any kind of speed but I spent the entire time on the ice skating at a snail pace feeling every pressure point that all the instructors had me feeling.
I didn't care what group they placed me in or who I skated with all I wanted to do was be a sponge and absorb every once of info I could. Did I walk away with more knowledge then I walked in with? Yes, I absolutely did! Now I need to find the time to give hundreds of hours to practice this stuff. I learned some amazing off ice drills too.
The one thing that was a real amazing thing to me was when it was over I didn't feel old. I know so far everyone that's heard me say what my goal is, have looked at me and my age. But when I stepped on that ice I forgot my age. When the weekend was over I had to stop and think and I didn't feel any different training now as I did when I was 20. The only difference was I am not in shape. And that is being corrected as I write this.
It's safe to say that I took a leap of faith and found HOPE!

Friday, July 16, 2010

1st speedskating camp

Well I am off to my first ice speed skating camp. To say I am a little nervous is an understatement for sure! I don't know what to expect or if I am capable of even of surviving. But the best way to find out is to jump in with both feet, so here goes...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Race :)

So the first race was more mentally challenging then I expected, but I did it!!!

Got to the race at 7:30am felt so out of place I wanted to cry. Sat around till my race started at 10:45. I only talked to one girl, the girl that won the race and got to hear her story and her quest for making her dreams come true. She really is an amazing athlete/young women and I am sure her dreams will come true.

I told her my dream too. I was shocked she didn't laugh but said she knew I was going to say something like that.

I told my friend from figure skating Bryan Rabin my dream last week and as I was telling him I wanted to crawl under the table we were sitting at. But something else started to happen as I spoke with him, a new freedom in myself started to grow. Along with a sense of confidence in this dream I have. It started to become a reality and took on a sense of life. It was amazing what change I felt during that lunch we shared. To my surprise he said he believed in me too. WOW! Someone that hasn't seen me in 26 years and because of what he saw in my face and knowing the skater I was, believes in me. That was incredible to me, for me. It gave me the confidence to say to this young women, a stranger really That I wanted to do everything and go for the 2014 winter Olympics in long track speed skating.

So back to the race. Standing on the starting line with my husband and youngest son cheering me on.... I wanted to leave and take my skates off! Really, I was that nervous! My feet were shaking my toes were numb, nothing felt good! Then they said go.

It's been a long time sense being competitive. I forgot the feeling, and I know now I have a lot more to remember about competing. Competing is just another form of training. Any competitor that thinks they can take time off from competing and get in the best shape of there lives and go compete at the major competition without doing any little competition has got an eye opener. The mental stamina needed in this aspect alone is crazy.

As we started skating I got tired from that, the lack of mental stamina, I also forgot all the pace line breakaways. and regrouping pace line strategy's that are done in the race. So by the 6th mile I was shot, and by the last 9th mile I wanted to call it quits. But a long the way in those miles it became more than just a race to me it became a time to talk to some of the other skaters and encourage them on. To do little things. to say to them. to help them and in doing that it also helped me. I saw a little girl working so hard by herself and offered my help to her. I saw myself in her. Also saw a parent who was pushing this child beyond crazy. Another girl who was So good lose her fight and faith and talked to her to help her on. And like I said it helped me. I finished the race in the lead pack in 13th place and finished this 15k (9mile) in 27 minutes 49seconds.

I'm happy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Am I living in a Dream World?

What am I doing?
I am so far from the starting line.... I get up everyday and do as much as I can and more, and it's still not enough! Everyday I start a workout it's like getting ready to have another child. You know the baby is miracle, that when you hold it in your arms your heart will be filled with joy beyond words. But before that you have to go through labor, birth! That is painful, long and at the time seems like it will never end.
Well I still am at the part of the pregnancy when your not showing even a lump on your belly. I am at the part when you feel green all day long and your feet are dragging and you haven't even heard your child's heart beat, and you still have that " what if " fear of losing the baby. Losing something that you desperately what to hold in your arms and love beyond words already.
It's a scary place to be in, putting yourself out to that place of total commitment, to have something that's not yours yet.
I have that desire.
It's scary.
I want it.
I'll do what I can do every day.
Tomorrow will come...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ask kicked!!!

So today I got my ass kicked! Pride, ego and anything else that goes with that kicked! I have soo much to learn and so far to go. Today was just a reality slap into the work that I have to face to accomplish the FIRST step on this journey.
I learned how to ride a bike today. Does anyone remember the first time they learned to ride a bike without training wheels? Well that's what today was for me. I took the training wheels off the the bike for the first time. I made it down the driveway, but coming back up was hard and scary. I got a look at reality square in the face. It was totally fun and exciting. had complete joy in the moment of stepping up to face reality and doing these first real steps. Then I saw someone who has been doing this kind of training for sometime doing it and He blew me out of the water!!!

Not an easy thing to say happened. I have always prided myself on being fast. But technique was a definite advantage to skating FAST. My muscles are old and out of shape. They haven't been trained or worked out in 12 years.

I spent 3 of those twelve years flat in bed not knowing if I wanted the next day to exists. 4 of those years trying to put one foot in front of the other and relearn who I am and what I was created to be and do. Now that I know what I am to be doing, I feel like a person who has been in a coma for most of their life and is learning to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom without help. a little dramatic, maybe. But then again maybe not. Losing everything that you thought was important in your life, then finding beauty in stuff you took for granted is pretty dramatic!

Now I wake up and look forward to seeing what tomorrow will bring and how I am going to learn how to handle it. I have found that most of the time that I must look at it, let it go and relearn.

So today I rode the bike down my drive way and back up. What will tomorrow bring? The side walk or the street. I can't wait to face my first hill!

Monday, March 15, 2010

First day on ice!!!


I had a great time tonight skating in "borrowed skates". Learned some amazing techniques and was so happy to find out that all the work I have been doing off ice on inline skates and the slide board have been correct. Now I have some more to add to the practices. So happy I don't have to spend time correcting the stuff I have started to do.

But the topper to this night on the ice was the fact that my family was there to skate with me too. We all had some exciting personal bests trying to speed skate. My Husband Michael went out with no edges and was ready to quit right away.So I took out my stone and swipe swipe he had an edge and he didn't come off again. He even got better as the session went on, still looked like a hockey player, but gotta love his heart. Sara my oldest child got the worst skates known to man. They were Bad! She went out on the ice sliding every way possible except forward, out came the stone again and yup she could stand. She started off with some memorable falls and went to a practice group and came back a new skater!!! Last was my youngest son Thomas (my middle son Zak is away at college) well he was all about the speed and trying to beet everyone on the ice. So cute! He was not bad I was very impressed. Now to slow him down and see if a thing called form will appear. After the session was over and he couldn't stop talking about how much he loved it and wanted to go again, the question was asked "what do you want a new guitar or speed skates"? Well... vanHallen... you better watch out he is comin after you!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Food time

One week of Rollerblading Done, about 70 miles. I finally found the stride that would be used on ice. I can't be 100% sure, but with a lot of prayer it is. One good thing with having such a strong figure skating background and thousands of hours spent working on form and edges. I have a great eye for picking up technique of others and transferring it to me. This technique isn't easy to come by and I have a long way to go before I can say I have it for good. But I do know it's a start. I love starts!
So the hardest part for me is to change my food. Danger! Danger! My issues with food goes way back and I have a long list. So making them a thought in my daily living is a walking on egg shells in the middle of a blazing fire issue.
With that said I started 3 days ago keeping track of my food intake with a tiny change to some of my eating. I started changing my foods about 6 weeks ago, and I have really been gritting my teeth a little. Only a few tiny set backs with a little over eating, but nothing really out of control. So I am looking at this as a victory in this walk so far. This web site I found (my husband, Michael found) is called and it is free for the beginning uses of the program. I am using that beginning program,and it's really great. It tracks your fat, protein, carb intake and lays it all out in a neat little colorful graph. So much cool stuff on this web site I am sure I'll learn more about it and me as I go along. Already I am seeing just how unbalanced my food really is. This will help me slowly make the changes I need to make to get the eating part of this journey a power force for me. Really, how good can I get if I am not fueling the tank with 100% energy and repair product.
Today is a day of rest for me. Well I don't call 5 loads of laundry and grocery shopping and cleaning the house rest. But after the 70miles of skating and other workouts I put in this week. it looks like rest!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Inline Skating

Today I worked out in the fresh air. What a pleasure it was to be outside skating.

I started skating with my old inline skates. They have 78mm wheels and swiss bone bearings. Today's skater use 110mm with fast ceramic bearings. So It's funny to watch these people out on the bike path skating faster then they have any right to skate. I am out working my butt off to skate fast compared to them.

So after 1 hour and 4 minutes, I have 18 miles of training in my inlines completed today. Every out of shape muscle in my body was screaming for me to stop. The only muscle that's not out of shape is my tongue in my mouth so thank God that remained shut and not saying one word!!! I felt free and alive in this painful place called skating, and was able to relax and enjoy the workout in an amazing way. Technique was shaky, kept sitting to far forward on my skates and when i rolled over a rock or broken shell that jammed my front wheel, it was a quick reminder to sit back or have severe road rash on my face.

On the last mile, in the middle of the path sat a duck, looking at me as if to say you better jump because I am not budging. And sure enough that duck didn't budge. So with a quick jump and some fast footwork, my beyond exhausted body was finished
For a moment or maybe 2......

Monday, March 1, 2010

With the closing of this winters Olympics, I have been filled with awe beyond words. I still cannot believe that my few small steps that I am taking today will be totaled into such a huge effort to reach a goal in 2014.
As I pulled myself together for my workout yesterday, I was in a place of pity. Looking at how far I am from being any where near a place of calling myself an athlete. How old I am. How crazy all this sounds. But I picked myself up and started that workout, and an hour and a half into it I was able to see and feel the difference I have already made since I committed myself to the goal. And I was able to have my first little cheer for myself.
One step at a time... What am I doing today that will help impact my dream tomorrow? Not one day is to go by without me realizing that my steps today will help or hinder tomorrows outcome.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This movie is really cute :P

This is about the speed I am moving now. Look how cute it is when a three year old works so hard on positions. Not so much when I do it!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

My mind is that of an trained athlete and my body is that of a out of shape 46 year old. LOL
So this is going to be fun trying to get the two to meet in the middle and then move forward...

My workouts now are very short. I am doing 30min on the slide board really working on technique, 30min on the life cycle bike, 30 min of stretching, and 30 to 45 min of sit ups push ups and plyometrics. My mind wants to do so much more. I know I have to be very careful of not causing any injury's and really getting my body to respond correctly to every new move i do and focusing on how my body does it. Gone are the days of JUST DOING IT!!!

I am looking forward to saying my body has caught up to my mind and really feeling the thrill of workouts instead of the agony of putting one foot in front of the other. Right now I feel like a wimp.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Watching the Olympics today is so inspiring. I do realize how OLD I am, but that just makes me all the more determined to achieve the worldly impossible. This journey is a very personal and spiritual journey.

Reading the Bible. I have seen how God can make the impossible, possible. And that is were my hope and faith is. Everyday I feel a little stronger and have gone a little further away from my failures and closer to my dream.

I am so blown away from the support I have received from my family and friends that I have shared this dream with. I don't think they realize how important this has been for me. This foundation of support is solid and that has aloud me to plant myself firmly on the start.

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Begnings

So here is my crazy adventure I am putting myself on:

I was a figure skater a long time ago in another life. Skated for the United States Internationally and Nationally 7 years. I developed a horrific eating disorder taking 30 to 60 laxatives 3x a week and I vomited daily. So I quit skating to try to save my life. It took me 14 years to stop the insanity. Now I am sober 14 years!!!!

In December 2009 my daughter Sara ask me this question... if I was to die today would I die happy and feel like I had fulfilled my goals???? My answer was a flat NO. I feel like I have done all I could do as far as my family but I hadn't fulfilled my dream of making the Olympic team I gave up before I finished. Then Sara said well why don't you go for it? You would think my reaction would be.. umm noo.. but something went click click in my head and I was off on my planing for my next adventure.

So here I am starting again......

After discussing and praying with my family and old friends that know me well they all said I should train for Long track speed skating. I am fast and always have been. My strides are long and its perfect for speed. Training is mental now. Just starting at the very beginning and putting one foot in front of the other (and of coarse the one step back).. I have many things working for me and against me. My age for one. It will be a help for my knowledge and stamina but also a hindrance for my body needs to keep up. For the past month I have done small amounts of cardio, working on technique and some stretching. I know it doesn't sound like much but it is a Beginning! I am feeling stronger everyday. The thing I was most scared of was my eating and the way my body was going to react to this training and change of diet. So I am taking this slow as well and so far even my body isn't freaking out.

I keep saying to myself slow and steady is GOOD!

Well that's my story. I will be posting my adventures I would love all the support and prayers I can get. I know this sounds crazy but I am going for it and would love you to join with me!